Halo Sobat Petualang Cantik,
To become a more powerful woman you need to keep up with your physical appearance and love your body the way it is. It is important to develop body positivity behaviors for both your physical and mental health.
A simple solution could be choosing the best bodysuits shapewear to create an assertive shape, whether in your daily life or when you need to exercise. The shapewear can be worn as an underwear or main item of clothing. In general, it helps to shape the body, flattening the belly, eliminating visible fat on the thighs and other areas.
How can shapewear help improve posture?
It creates a more structured shape for your body, so your posture is more aligned. Which can give you more energy for your day to day life and even help increase your productivity. A more aligned image communicates that you are a confident and decisive woman.
By keeping your spine straighter, you reduce pain in the lower back, neck and other areas of the back, preventing you from developing that hunched-over shape. When practicing sports, this detail is great, as it prevents you from performing an exercise incorrectly and getting injured.
The double-layer fabric with elastic mesh that imitates jeans can be an interesting option if you want to combine functionality with comfort. It has a solid zipper to prevent your shapewear from rolling up and becomes an excellent aid in the structure of the female body after the gestational period.
Can I wear shapewear to the gym?
Yes! You can gain more self-confidence when exercising, especially at the beginner level. This is because shapewear structures your appearance, tones and makes you instantly slimmer. You can wear a short-shaped bodysuit that reaches your thighs. Many women prefer to invest in tummy control leggings because they are practical and can be easily adapted for everyday life if worn with high heel shoes, for example.
They don’t mess around or make you uncomfortable with any possible transparency. This is because they are made with soft, quality fabric and have elastic in 4 directions. It’s breathable, so you feel comfortable with sweat-related issues on hotter days. The modeling mesh structures the belly and your legs gain a slimmer appearance with the dividing line.
Which shapewear should I choose for sports?
You can use different models of shapewear when practicing sports. There are tops, leggings and even dresses. But generally women prefer shapewear romper for its practicality. If it is a unique seamless piece, it will become one of your favorites, as it will make you look slimmer without visible lines or markings.
Medium compression is ideal, as it structures your shape, eliminating any sagging appearance that may bother you. Furthermore, the highly elastic fabric gives you flexibility to carry out activities that require greater movement such as running, yoga or weight training. You get a shaped belly, butt, thighs and legs. Not to mention that the structure that accommodates the upper leg muscles is a facilitating resource that reduces vibrations so that you do not suffer from injuries.
That’s the review I presented, I hope it’s useful.
Salam Cantik,
Lita Chan Lai
Januari 21, 2024Wah.. cakep-cakep ya shapewear nya.. Dengan menggunakannya body idaman terwujud deh… Terima kasih sharing infonya mba
Siti Faridah
Januari 22, 2024Keren-keren banget nih shapewear dengan warna-warna kesukaanku yaitu cokelat dan hitam. Asik ya kalau pas lagi nge-gym bisa pakai shapewear yang bikin kita nyaman.
Januari 22, 2024Shapewear is very useful for shaping a woman’s body to look ideal.
Love the design and colours of Popilush shapewear.
Januari 22, 2024Cara praktis jadi langsing tanpa diet ya heheee. Penting ini buat yang mau pakai night gown atau kebaya & jarik biar efeknya maksimal. Buat acara lain juga bagus biar lemak nggak pada goyang kayak lemakku :))
Yuni Handono
Januari 23, 2024Memakai shapewear membuat tubuh terlihat makin ideal ya mbak. Didukung oleh bahan yang lembut serta nyaman dipakai, apalagi model shapewear saat ini variatif, tentu membuat pemakaianya makin terasa nyaman dalam segala suasana.
Reyne Raea
Januari 23, 2024Jadi pengen punyaaaaa!
Biar gelambir ga seenaknya menggantung sana sini
Dan pakai ini, bikin postur tubuh jadi lebih baik Dan tentunya lebih sehat ya.
Apalagi kalau bahannya nyaman.
Bisa jadi wishlist banget nih
Fenni Bungsu
Januari 23, 2024Jadi membantu siapa aja yang memakainya punya bentuk tubuh yang diharapkan ya. Apalagi ini asiknya ini dipakai untuk berolahraga juga semisal senam maupun yoga jadi lebih nyaman
Heni Puspita
Januari 23, 2024Ternyata ga cuma buat membentuk tubuh jadi keliatan lebih oke tapi juga bisa menopang dan memperbaiki postur tubuh ya
Diah Alsa
Januari 23, 2024shapewear ini cakep ya Mbak, apalagi bisa digunakan sebagai pakaian sport gitu ya, bisa mudah dapatin body goals nih dengan shapewear Popilush.
pilihan warnanya juga oke semua 🙂
Siska Dwyta
Januari 23, 2024Shapwear yang bisa menunjang body goals ini. Badan jadi terlihat lebih ideal ya, udah gitu bahannya juga terlihat nyaman banget, cocok nih dipake buat fitness